HKN Energy’s development strategy for the Sarsang and Atrush blocks reflects the significant potential production and reserves growth of the 3 fields; and the unique political and commercial challenges of working in Kurdistan. Our approach has resulted in significant value creation for all our stakeholders, with the promise of continued benefits in the future.
HKN is focused on the following near-term priorities, while maintaining a diligent focus on health, safety and the environment in all operating activities. We apply a rigorous incremental risk and return analysis to all our development projects.
Optimizing production from the Triassic reservoir in the Swara Tika field by adding well capacity and water handling capability.
Further appraisal and development of the Triassic reservoir in the East Swara Tika field through acquisition of 3D seismic, drilling wells, and increasing facility capacity.
Increasing production from the Jurassic reservoir in the Atrush field by increasing facility capacity, workovers of existing wells to extend prodution, and adding well capacity.